Initiator: Dr Wolfgang Sieber and Dorin Genjoyian, Netzwerk Lippe gGmbH
"My soul is in Syria, my brain needs to be in Germany, my future is still unclear." All parties involved need to undergo extensive learning processes if labour market integration is to succeed. The same is required for the training of professional staff. This discussion focusses on expectation management, preventing disappointment and sustaining existing motivation.
Which expectations do refugees have?
Which role does the option of native-language dialogue on an equal basis play?
How to sustain motivation?
How to counteract disappointment?
Which role does expectation management play on both sides?
Which approaches guarantee a good rapport with refugees?
What are the expectations of employers who wish to employ refugees?
Guiding questions:
Initiator: Dr. Ralf Sänger, ism e. V., Rainer Aliochin, AAU e.V.
Refugees and entrepreneurship – that sounds "improbable". But a significant proportion of refugees were self-employed and want to be self-employed again – this has been confirmed by the IQ Projects. What is needed is individual support, oriented towards targets and needs, that is currently not available. Initiators of the roundtable want to work together with participants to find solutions.
What is required to support refugees in becoming self-employed?
What support can be offered by local stakeholders?
What target group-specific programme can be initiated at the federal level?
How can already existing federal and state programmes and products be used and/or adapted for these groups of people?
Guiding questions:
Initiator: Dott. Matilde Grünhage-Monetti, ehem. Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung, Susan Kaufmann, passage gGmbH
Multilingualism is an increasingly visible and audible phenomenon in the public realms of our society. Politics and mainstream discourse are displaying contradictory attitudes. The translanguaging concept offers convincing explanations of the political dimension of multilingualism and suggests practical approaches to our increasingly transnational reality for policy and practice.
What is the difference between translanguaging and traditional concepts of multilingualism?
What are the consequences/implications of translanguaging on a policy level?
What are the consequences/implications of translanguaging on an educational level?
What are its limits? What potential negative consequences exist?
Are there experiences that we can use for guidance?
Guiding questions:
Initiator: Meike Julia Dahmen and Anne Görgen-Engels, JOBSTARTER-KAUSA beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
The media image of migrants considerably influences their social and professional integration into mainstream society. This round table will discuss whether and how the explicit discrimination of people with a migration background in media reporting has an impact on their professional integration.
How can the media have a positive impact on equal professional integration?
How can media professionals deflate stereotypes?
How important is the migration context for reporting?
Guiding questions:
Initiator: Cemalettin Özer, MOZAIK gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Bildungs- und Beratungsangebote mbH
Migrant organisations are important partners in the integration of refugees. Their involvement as actors in labour market integration efforts is important for recognising existing resources. The round table will discuss what role migrant organisations play in their work with migrants, what obstacles they face and what part they play in shaping the "welcoming culture".
What role do migrant organisations working with refugees currently play, and what roles can they assume in the future? How can the labour market integration of refugees succeed?
How to improve the perception of migrant organisations by integration policy makers? What steps are necessary?
How can the work of migrant organisations be supported, and how can their cooperation with politics and administration be improved?
How can voluntary civic involvement be promoted and strengthened by full-time structures and projects?
Guiding questions:
Initiator: Arthur Depner and Simon Goebel, Tür an Tür - Integrationsprojekte gGmbH
On the basis of case studies from media coverage, political speeches on the topics of migration and forced migration, and practical experiences from counselling, we will discuss the effect of figures of speech and rhetoric on the (self-)perception of our (migration) society.
What do common metaphors, modes of expression and language patterns reveal about our political and social self-image?
How can alternative linguistic expression be shaped?
How can the use of language in society even be influenced?
What paths, channels, and forms can language criticism take?
What forums could be suitable for an open dialogue with the target group of migrants?